Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Drafting... Done!

So I've finished the first draft of all my FPAS questions. Just need to give them a read through for grammar, spelling and sense and then I can send them off. I'm a little bit stressed because I don't feel my answers are that strong (particularly the last two), but there is very little I can do about that as no matter how much I try to rewrite them, they don't get any better.

This means that once the form is done I can concentrate on getting really stuck into my new placement. The FY doctors and registrars on my "super firm" seem really lovely and keen to let me do as much or as little as I feel I need to. This year its definitely about doing as much as I can.

Hopefully next week I'll get to recap some clinical skills I've forgotten and maybe even learn some new ones. I'm itching to try an ABG on a real patient. I also really want to try passing an NG tube, but I'm not sure where I'll get the opportunity.

I'm also hoping to do another "week in the life of..." series of posts next week or the week after to give everyone a taste of what it's like being a final year medic.

Lily xXx

1 comment:

Fuddled Medic said...

Well done, hope to read the "week in the life of" soon