Sunday 7 December 2008

Frosty Weekend

This weekend was sooo cold, but so enjoyable. Both Saturday and Sunday were freezing cold, but the weather was otherwise beautiful. The sun was out, the air was crisp... a perfect day to walk along the seafront. So both today and yesterday I walked out along the seafront and enjoyed the most perfect winter days. Then, in the perfect ending to a perfect day, there was the most beautiful sunset. The sky went from a dark blue, to a deep blue, to a dusky orange on the horizon. If only I'd have had a camera.

As lovely as the weekend was I did bugger all work. This is a bad bad bad bad thing. 2 weeks of term left and loads and loads to do. Next week I have a presentation which I've hardly even thought about. Eek! I've also got things happening nearly every evening after uni this week as revision sessions happen and committees I'm on wrap up for xmas. Major stressfulness. I also have one night less with the boyf this weekend as I have a night in A and E on Friday. At least the weekend after I'll have broken up for Xmas.

Lily xXx

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