By the end of Friday I'll be halfway through this placement, so halfway to going home for good.
I think it's actually gone pretty quickly although there have been moments that I've felt like this rotation is dragging on forever.
I thought I'd give a quick summary of the good, the bad and the ugly bits so far...
The Good:
- Actual teaching from consultants. It always happens. It's always of a good quality. This is virtually unheard of in the London hospitals as reg's end up covering for the consultants. Even when it is the consultants a lot of the time it's just spontanious teaching. Here they prepare powerpoints and split topics between us so we can do mini presentations to each other.
- Meeting new people. The girls I live in a flat with are great, as are all the other people on this placement. It's great to get to know people so well, which only happens in such a short amount of time because we're living together.
- The knitting oportunity. Here I can knit lots because there's no telly to distract me. For the first 3 or 4 weeks I also had no internet. That left knitting or work. Knitting won.
The Bad:
- Being away from home. It's tough being away from my flat and my boyf, which has been making me cranky. I'm sure I'll feel a lot happier within myself once I get home.
- Evil Consultant. One of the consultants takes us on a ward round to learn examinations every week. He's evil. He always picks on me first so my examination is never as good as the people who've had the revision of watching me go through it. Most worrying though is his choice of patients. He gets us to examine half dead patients which isn't fair on them. He even made an old lady cry once, didn't notice until I told him and then told her off because he'd apparently explained what we were going to do. I'm pretty sure in my mid-rotation review I'm going to make a complaint about this.
The Ugly:
- Rectal exams. My clinical partner split her glove. Ewwww!
Overall I think this has been a really useful 6 weeks so far, I just hope that the next 6 weeks go by quickly and that I manage to get all the sign ups I need.
Lily xXx
Without an End, There Can Be No Peace
8 years ago
Well, it looks as though the good definitely outweighs the bad, although the evil consultant sounds as though he needs taking aside and being on the receiving end of a good talking to.
I'm glad that the knitting is doing well. How much have you done now?
I've finished the back and I'm almost done on the front but being stupidly busy keeps stopping me from getting along with it!
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