Now revision panic is really setting in. I have my mini-OSCE next week!! What's off putting is that although it's only 4 stations, it's sudden death, unlike the big OSCEs where you can still pass overall if you fail a couple of stations.
These mini-OSCEs are a lot about luck as well as actual clinical skill. If you get a couple of easy stations you're laughing, but if you get tough ones then you'll probably fail even though you'd have passed with someone else's stations. I've been lucky so far and I've had easy stations. Basic life support, examining a neck, explaining cardiovascular risk factors and then some simple history stations.
Most of the histories we do come from the pastest book. For the last 2 exams I've refused to look. I want to know how to take a history, not remember a list of questions from pastest. I've done pretty well so far. I'm getting more and more worried that I'm going to suffer for this though. What if I'd got the taking a uraemia history from a patients wife? I'd have never asked for hiccups because I hadn't read it in pastest.
On a lighter note the ferret is so fun! At the moment he's running around the living room with the brush from my dustpan and brush set in it's mouth. I wonder if I can teach him to sweep up properly. He's already shown such a little personality. He's generally playful, but gentle although he has an awful temper. He's only bitten me once and the boyf once, never hard enough to break the skin, but when he does he gets told no, tapped on the nose and put in his cage. This is when his temper starts. He'll throw his litter around and jump up and down trying to get us to let him out of the cage. He'll then sulk when it's opened later and refuse to come out for half an hour or so before he'll come over to wherever we are for a snuggle to say sorry.
Lily xXx
Without an End, There Can Be No Peace
8 years ago
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