Thursday 31 December 2009

The End of The Year

It's time for resolutions again.

I've decided to keep it simple this year. My new years resolution is to stay focused with medicine and keep working hard. Only 18 months to go and it's getting harder and harder as I have to know more and more stuff. As well as knowing stuff I also have to be able to do all kinds of things with sharp needles and rubber gloves.

Thankfully I'm really enjoying it still. I had a bit of a wobble in Sept/Oct where I thought I wasn't good enough and would never be able to do it, but sticking with it paid off.

We'll see if I'm still saying that when I get my last exam results on the 4th of Jan. Scarily they're putting all our exam results up before our "welcome back" lecture, where you can usually just check them online. Fingers crossed this won't be the first exam I've failed.

My only other resolution is to stick with the blog. It's amazing how much writing about silly day to day things helps sort out my thoughts about things. I also love the fact that whenever I'm feeling down or have a dilemma I get lots of lovely comments offering advice and kind words.

I hope everyone who's reading this has something nice planned for this evening and has a wonderful New Year celebration, with an even better year to follow.

Lily xXx

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