Sunday, 18 May 2008


Ooooh! Excitement! Tomorrow my flatmate is 21. I've been telling her that she's got to be home in the afternoon for a special surprise. I've yet to tell her what it is. I'm so excited. Clearly I can't tell you guys what it is either as she might see, but I think she'll be really chuffed. Yay!

Then it's my 21st on the 28th. Hurrah. Loads of birthday fun and games! Shame about exams... However I've kind of got to the point where as much as I want a 2.1 I now realise it's not the end of the world if I don't get it so I should stop panicing. Or so I keep telling myself.

Revision update. 5 days to go.

Oh my days. That means 4 revision days left. Bugger. I think I'll be doing a 3 day cram Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Bugger, bugger, bugger...

Lily xXx

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